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Objektiv til pentax

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Serious telephoto reach, versatile zoom range, unusual IQ for a consumer zoom (including snappy contrast), light and compact, allows for flexible hand-held shooting, decent build, affordable. I believe the Tamron 70-300 may be better, and perhaps even cheaper. Weighs so little and it's cheap so it's a bargain if you need some drag anywhere lens, but I don't recommend it for critical work. The bokeh is not too pleasant to my eyes. For wildlife it is a non-starter really, too slow and not really adequately sharp wide open. Eventually this led me to get rid of the lens. Outside this you are going to have a lot of chuckers. The 55-300 is capable of delivering some very pleasing results, but within limited parameters> something like 55-180, at f8 you will get some really nice shots. First off, this is way better than the 50-200, BUT the 50-200 is just so awful so that is saying not much. Sharpness: 7 Aberrations: 6 Bokeh: 6 Autofocus: 5 Handling: 7 Value: 7 New or Used: Used Camera Used: K5 K5iis I'd wholeheartedly recomend this lens to anyone needing a bit of range without having that much money to spend. But considering the low price this certainly is no deal breaker. At least on my copy the zoom ring isn't really smooth but tends to stick a bit during zooming, which is a bit annoying.


The focus ring is not really dampened and not much fun for precise manual focusing. The slowness can be overcome to a good extent thanks to quick shift, it's easy to put it in the right range first and then AF. The downside is that the autofocus is a bit slow and rather noisy. I'm not a pixel peeper but in practical use I really haven't had any problems with aberrations of any kind. It's great as a walkaround lens thanks to compactness and low weight. (I also have the M*300mm, and while the 55-300 isn't quite as good as that at the long end, it's actually not that far off). Pictures are sharp with good saturated colours and contrast. Very good telezoom and excellent value for money. Sharpness: 8 Aberrations: 8 Bokeh: 8 Autofocus: 6 Handling: 6 Value: 10 New or Used: New Camera Used: K-5, K-x Sharp, compact & lightweight, price/quality ratioĪutofocus noisy & a bit slow, sticky zoom ring My first exemplary of this lens was excellent, the next one was not so good - unfortunally, perhaps a few decentered ++/+ good colors, sharpness, contrast and bokeh with f 11įor the low price nevertheless my recommendation !!! this lens is better than the new version 4.5-6.3/55-300, but not so good as the excellent 4.7-5.8/100-300 - which is my AF favorite O/+ CA's are well reduced and in the edges but a few visible at 300mm + I take photos with aperture 8-11, so bokeh and sharpness are nice in the center - but sharpness only in the center !, edges are somewhat weak, especially wiede open

objektiv til pentax

+ Due to the good optical construction of 4 (!) achromatic lenses and 2 ED-lenses is the optical quality of this lens in the center very nice / fine. Sharpness: 9 Aberrations: 8 Bokeh: 9 Autofocus: 6 Handling: 9 Value: 10 New or Used: New Camera Used: k-5 k200d Fuji x-e1 and x-t100 Sometimes visible CA's at 300mm in the edges, slow AF,sometimes unsure

objektiv til pentax

Pale chanting goshawk by -savoche-, on Flickr The somewhat slow autofocus can be remedied with a bit of planning. Until a compact full-frame tele zoom is released this will cover my needs well enough. Note: I have not tried to shoot without the hood at the wider end it might be that it would help. Around 200mm I can't see any vignetting at all. Crop to 4x5 or 16x9 and it's mostly gone. It does vignette some at 300mm (more near infinity than at closer range, I think).

objektiv til pentax

Yes, I use it on the K-1, and in FF mode. This was mostly a problem I had with the K-5 in low light, though, and not so much on the K-3 - and even less on the K-1. It has a long focus throw, so if it misses focus and has to rack all the way to minimum and out again it's slow - and noisy. It does sharpen up some when stopped down to f/8, but it's good enough at 300/5.8 that I don't hesitate to use it when needed. I find the sharpness quite good at all focal lengths (including at 300mm) and all apertures. The small size makes it perfect for travel and for carrying on walking safaris. It's my go-to travel lens and safari lens. Probably my most-used lens by number of pictures taken, even though I rarely shoot with tele (or zoom) at home. ★★☆ Full coverage at some F-stop and focal length combinations Unofficial Full-Frame Compatibility Tests by Pentax Forums The Pentax DA 55-300mm telephoto zoom lens was released in 2008 and retired in 2013 in favor of a WR variant.

Objektiv til pentax